I’m not a qualified or professional graphic designer, but from time to time I get the opportunity to contribute to a company’s marketing material. Seeed Studio have commissioned a few designs in the past, which I’d like to share here.

Seeed Studio is a company based in Shenzhen, China. They are part of a new breed of businesses that cater to the Open Hardware community and “maker” movement. Their products target the interests (and the tight budgets) of the growing market of electronics hobbyists, hardware design enthusiasts, and inventors.

One thing that gives Seeed an edge and really engages their customers, is close involvement with the community they supply: both sourcing and sharing designs within that community. In that spirit, individuals around the world often contribute to various aspects of Seeed’s production.
I was pleased to get involved, by contributing some graphic design work. This began with a winning box-art design I submitted to one of their competitions, and continued with a few other commissioned works…
Maker Faire Banners
Seeed Studio exhibited at the Bay Area Maker Faire in 2011 and asked me to come up with some banner designs that illustrated their open approach to development, prototyping, manufacturing, and marketing:
I designed the banners to work together, or separately, and demonstrate the flow of ideas from inception to production. See also: Seeed’s original blog post.
ADK Dash Kit - Box Art

Seeed distribute their own version of the Android Open Accessory Development Kit, known as the Seeeduino ADK. They decided to pair it up with some of their Grove real-world interface accessories, to create the ADK Dash Kit. Using a new universal box template, they needed a design for a sticker that would wrap around the box, and communicate the great sensory, control, and feedback capabilities of the kit.
The design brief specified use of the existing Seeed corporate image, while adding some geek appeal and tying it in with Google Android. I created a few icons and other visual metaphors that reflect the components supplied in the box.
Rainbow Cube, Ready to Shine - Box Art
One of the more aesthetic kits produced by Seeed is the “Rainbow Cube”, which is a 4x4x4 array of RGB LEDs. The “Rainbow Cube, Ready to Shine” combines a pre-assembled Rainbow Cube, in an acrylic case, with everything required to start programming it straight away – including an Arduino-compatible microcontroller/driver board.
Seeed commissioned me to design the packaging for this product, which required an eye-catching main box and a smaller accessories box that would be included inside. This is a 3D render of the main box:
After some minor changes, here is how the final product turned out, including the smaller accessories box:
One challenge with this design was the stylised sketch of the device itself. Instead of drawing it, it was easier to model the whole thing in 3D and convert it to vector art.